
Ps2 save tools
Ps2 save tools

ps2 save tools

ProdCode : array of AnsiChar įiller : array of byte end Padding8 : integer //always 0x00000000? end ProdCode : array of AnsiChar //20 bytes, 0x00 filled & terminated Padding4 : integer //always 0x00000000?ĭataSize : integer //save size repeated? NumberOfFilesInDir : integer //this is likely to be number of files in dir + 2 ("." and ".")įilename : array of AnsiChar end įilename : array of AnsiChar // 'Real' PSV files have junk in this after text.īlockSize : integer //always 0x00020000 (512). Icon3Pos : integer //position of 3rd icon Icon2Pos : integer //position of 2nd icon

ps2 save tools

Icon1Pos : integer //position of 1st icon SysPos : integer //location in file of icon.sys SaveType : integer //0x00000002 PS2, 0x00000001 PS1 end ĭisplaySize : integer //PS3 will just round this up to the neaest 1024 boundry so just make it as good as possible Padding := roundUp(clump.Position + 8, 16) - 8 - clump.Position Write (padd, sizeOf (padd ) ) end end end Ĭlump.Write(fileDetails, sizeof(fileDetails)) Ĭlump.CopyFrom(aFile^.data, fileDetails.size) Position for b : = 1 to padding do beginĬlump. Write (fileDetails, sizeof (fileDetails ) ) Ĭlump.


The full code creating the archive in the ARMax DLL is: Padding := roundUp(clump.Position + 8, 16) – 8 – clump.Position The padding following file data is calculated using the following algorithm: The archive is a simple format consisting of file information followed by the actual data and then some padding repeated for as many files as there are: offset Checksum (CRC32 all of file with checksum area treated as 0x00000000Īfter uncompressing the data using the lzAri algorithm you will have an archive file containing the actual files.

Ps2 save tools